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Come On Down to Goldendoodle Dandy
A Goldendoodle Family
Home: Welcome

Home: Upcoming Events

Here at Goldendoodle Dandy, we believe dogs truly are man's best friend. We see each and every one of our puppies as a gift and blessing for someone out there - because they're not just dogs, they're family.

Not only do Goldendoodles offer great companionship with their quirky and friendly disposition, but they're also hypoallergenic and shed-free. A bundle of fun without the bundle of fur!

We cannot wait to connect with your family. When it comes to Goldendoodle Dandy we are a family business, so you will become apart of our Doodle Family!

7557 Billymack Road Delphos, OH 45833
419-339-0228 or 419-230-3080
Home: Contact
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